1110111 移工收到肉製品包裹應送動檢機關銷毀





เทศกาลฤดูใบไม้ผลิกำลังจะมาถึงและมีการตรวจพบผลิตภัณฑ์จากเนื้อสัตว์เช่นเนื้อหมูเป็นต้นจากประเทศไทยเมื่อวันศุกร์ (1/7)

 เพื่อนผู้อพยพที่ได้รับผลิตภัณฑ์จากเนื้อสัตว์ที่ส่งมาจากญาติและเพื่อนจากพื้นที่แพร่ระบาดควรทิ้งลงในถังขยะแทนขยะในครัวหรือส่งไปยังหน่วยงานกักกันสัตว์เพื่อการทำลายเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงการลงโทษ  ผู้ฝ่าฝืนจะถูกปรับสูงสุด 150,000 ดอลลาร์ไต้หวันแรงงานข้ามชาติจะถูกเพิกถอนโดยกระทรวงแรงงานและสั่งให้เดินทางไปต่างประเทศ


The Spring Festival is coming, and another meat product from Thailand was detected last Friday (1/7).Migrant friends who receive meat products mailed from relatives and friends from the epidemic area should throw them in the trash instead of kitchen waste or send them to the animal quarantine agency for destruction, so as to avoid punishment. Violators will be fined up to NT$150,000, and migrant workers will be revoked by the Ministry of Labor and ordered to go abroad.


Tết  nguyên đán đang đến gần, và một sản phẩm thịt khác từ Thái Lan đã được phát hiện vào thứ Sáu tuần trước (1/7).

 Những người di cư nhận được sản phẩm thịt từ người thân, bạn bè từ vùng dịch nên vứt vào thùng rác không được đổ vào thùng thức ăn thừa hoặc gửi đến cơ quan kiểm dịch động vật để tiêu hủy, tránh bị  phạt.  Những người vi phạm sẽ bị phạt tới 150.000 Đài tệ, và người lao động nhập cư sẽ bị Bộ Lao động thu hồi giấy phép và bị cấm ra nước ngoài..


Festival Musim Semi semakin dekat, dan produk daging lain dari Thailand terdeteksi pada 7 Januari. Ke depan, jika Anda menerima paket produk daging dari kerabat dan teman dari daerah epidemi, Anda harus membuangnya ke tempat sampah atau mengirimkannya ke badan karantina hewan untuk dimusnahkan. Pelanggar akan didenda hingga NT $ 150.000, dan akan dicabut oleh Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan diperintahkan untuk meninggalkan negara itu.